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Part 1: Discuss an ethical or moral dilemma that you have had to face in the workplace or at college / university. Give as much details as possible within the word limit.
Please include the following: (You can replace the real names and places with fictional ones)
1. Describe the situation
2. Describe who was involved
3. Describe where the situation took place
4. Describe when it happened and what was going on.
5. Describe the values and norms that were in conflict.
6. Describe your thoughts and feeling.
7. Describe what you did. (How was the dilemma resolved or what was the outcome?)
8. Rate your decision. On a scale from 1-10 how happy were you with your decision? (1 = Very unhappy 10= Very happy) and state why you thought that.
Part 2: In this section you are going to analyze the ethical or moral dilemma described in Part 1 above. Please include the following:
Choose three of the normative ethical theories discussed in the course and use those three ethical theories to analyze the ethical or moral dilemma described in Part 1. You should include critical thinking and use about 500 words with each one
If you do not know how to analyze something take a look at How To Analyze in the ACTIVITIES section of Module 2
Part 3: In this section you are going to reflect back on the initial decision. Please include the following:
1. Did any of the ethical theories discussed in Part 2 make you more happy with the decision you made in Part 1? Why? or Why not?
2. Did any of the ethical theories discussed in Part 2 make you less happy with the decision you made in Part 1? Why? or Why not?
3. If you were in that same situation again would you make the same decision again? Why? or Why not?
Ethics is an integral part of human life and every human being faces situations in their lives where they face ethical dilemmas and scenarios where they need to take a call. I also have faced several scenarios in my life where I was in an ethical dilemma and it was really hard for me to take a call. One such case was during my early job days where I was responsible and answerable for a team of 3 juniors and one peer. I was supposed to report to another manager of mine who was responsible for a few more teams like mine. The three juniors in my team were Sam, Shaun and Peter, whereas my peer name was Jacob. My manager’s name was Adam and he was very punctual and strict regarding the job deadlines that he or either of the teams used to commit to. While working for a commitment to the client we were only one week short of the deadline and there were more than 10 days of normal work pending. During this period one of my junior Shaun suddenly asked me for leave for two weeks as his sister was very ill and his parents needed his help to take care of her medical treatment. There was a similar scenario when our manager denied leave to a member of another team while they were on short notice to finish the job. I thought of asking my manager Adam for granting leave for Shaun as I believed that it is extremely necessary for him to go. I was also officially eligible to grant Shaun's leave request as he used to report to me. But this would still have been risky and unprofessional.
One risk was that we as a team would not be able to fulfill our commitment to our client and thus it was against professionalism and business ethos. Another risk was if I would have taken the decision of granting leave to Shaun, my manager Adam would definitely not have taken this positively, a conclusion that I could derive from my past experience. However, if I would have gone to my manager asking for approving leave, not only he would have outrightly rejected, but he also would have questioned my decision-making capabilities. I was in a complete dilemma regarding what I should do as on one hand; I had my job and boss whereas on the other hand, I had a sincere and hardworking junior. Finally, I decided to take a call and allowed Shaun to take the leave and go to his home. I requested the whole team to ensure that they do overtime for 2-3 hours daily until we complete the target. I also informed my manager regarding the decision and ensured him that I would take full responsibility in case of a failure. Though risky, I felt truly great and satisfied with my soul, and I would definitely give myself 8/10 points for my ability to take a strong and ethical call.
The action of an ndividual is always subjective and is based on the nature and thought processes of the individual and the scenario in which he or she has chosen to take that decision. The ethicalness of a decision of a person thus varies based upon the perspective with which we look. In this section of the report, the ethicalness of the above scenario will be assessed using three major normative theories of ethical assessment as shown in the figure below.
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