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Choose a nursing issue that is related to one of the key safety and quality in health care areas from the list below* and then research the issue.
Click on the topics below for more information about each category:
01. Clinical Communications
02. Cognitive Impairment
03. Credentialling for Health Professionals
04. Falls Prevention
05. General Practice accreditation
06. Healthcare Associated Infection
07. Information Strategy
08. Medication Safety (students are not permitted to focus on medications for their assignment).
09. Mental Health
10. Open Disclosure
11. Patient and Consumer Centred Care
12. Patient Identification
13. Recognising and Responding to Clinical Deterioration
14. Safety in E-Health
15. Shared Decision Making
16. Variation in Healthcare
The mental health of any particular society accounts for the state of the psychosocial and emotional well-being of individuals across the community environment. The state of mental well-being primarily affected by the environmental factors and social circumstances that enhance or deteriorate the capacity of individuals in terms of antagonizing the patterns of stress and anxiety in the course of time. The clinical history of mental health problems, traumatic events, and biochemistry of the brain requires careful consideration by the healthcare professionals while determining the state of mental health of the patient population. The clinical assessment of patients warrants the thorough investigation of their mental health in the context of the fact that knowledge of psychosocial conditions predominantly proves to be the deterministic factor in configuring the medical management plan for the affected patients. The critical analysis carried out in this research paper discusses various evidence-based mental health perspectives, their deterministic factors and the authenticity of health care interventions in elevating the state of mental health of the patient population. The findings in various primary and secondary articles discuss the significance of psychedelic therapeutic interventions, social disconnectedness, negative perceptions, schizophrenia, cultural agony and exercise interventions in relation to the pattern of mental health and psychosocial profile of the patient population. These findings conclude that elevation of the mental health of the clinical subjects is highly necessary for the context of maintaining their compliance with the therapeutic regimen, increasing the pace of their recovery and reducing the length of their stay across the clinical setting.
Influence of psychedelics on the mental health manifestation
The cross-sectional retrospective research study by (Krebs & Johansen, 2013) explores the deleterious effects of psychedelic drugs on the mental health of the treated population. The researchers retrieved the data utilized by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) within a span of three years (i.e. 2001 – 2004) indicating the psychiatric manifestations experienced by the users as well as to non-users of a psychedelic across the community environment. The data included the study subjects attributing to the age range of 18 years older with a response rate of 78% as revealed by the NSDUH findings. The study focused on gathering the information regarding the psychiatric manifestations among the subjects that had undergone the interview sessions during the course of the survey and their responses recorded accordingly in terms of clinical findings.
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