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In this task you will critically review and appraise policy and practices that contribute to the health and wellbeing of children, young people and their families
You will develop a portfolio of evidence that includes the review and appraisal of three (3) health topics from the course outline. For each topic you will summarise key policies and guidelines that inform the issue and services. You will review and critique contemporary healthcare practices addressing each issue. A template is provided in PebblePad to guide your responses.
- Identify and discuss health policies that apply to each issue.
- Apply principles of health promotion, primary health care and advocacy to the review of each issue and health care practice.
- Recognise and apply principles of equity, self-determination, rights and access as these explain health inequalities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
- Use and cite reference material as evidence and to support ideas and concepts
- Referencing style conforms to Harvard referencing style used at USC
Exclusive breastfeeding intervention must continue for a tenure of six months to the developing infant in the context of his/her growth optimization. Indeed, after the accomplishment of the six months of exclusive breastfeeding procedure, infants could receive additional/complementary food supplements to facilitate their somatic development (WHO, 2017). However, the process of breastfeeding must continue for two years in the context of accomplishing the nutritional demands of the developing child. WHO conventions describe breast milk as the safest nutritional product for the developing infants that reduce their predisposition towards acquiring the pattern of pneumonia, diarrhoea and associated clinical complications (WHO, 2017). The process of breastfeeding reduces the risk of mothers in terms of developing ovarian/breast cancer, post-partum depression and type II diabetes (WHO, 2017). Children who undergo active breastfeeding reduce do experience limited risk of developing obesity and type II diabetic manifestations in the later stages of their lives (WHO, 2017). Breast milk contains appropriate quantity of antibody required for improving the immune system of the developing infant (WHO, 2017). These advantages advocate the requirement of consistent breastfeeding for reducing the risk of deterioration of wellness outcomes in mothers as well as their developing infants (WHO, 2017). Mothers should systematically practice the rooming-in process with the objective of remaining together with their new born infants throughout the day. Mothers must also administer their breast milk on demand by the developing babies (AHMC, 2009). Indeed, mothers must not provide soothers or dummies to the breastfeeding infants as they might distract them from the process of breastfeeding.
Health Policies
Australian healthcare conventions advocate the requirement of physical space allocation to facilitate the process of breastfeeding (Javanparast, et al., 2012). Furthermore, the provision of a supportive workplace is necessarily required with the objective of reducing the risk of breastfeeding cessation in the lactating mothers. Australian health policies warrant the systematic enhancement of breastfeeding knowledge of the lactating mothers in relation to various breastfeeding indicators (AIHW, 2011). These breastfeeding indicators advocate the need for systematic reporting and monitoring of breastfeeding trends by the healthcare professionals. The conventions indicate the requirement of systematic coordination between the researchers and healthcare professionals with the objective of streamlining the breastfeeding practises data in centralized clinical databases (AIHW, 2011). The guidelines recommend the systematic implementation of uniformity in statistical standards, methods and definitions related to breast-feeding practices and associated health outcomes (AIHW, 2011). Australian healthcare practices recommend the implementation of infant feeding guidelines on a national scale for systematically enhancing the healthcare outcomes in the infant population (AIHW, 2011). The BFHI policy advocates the requirement of increasing the rate of breastfeeding in the Australian infants (Esbati, et al., 2017). World Health Organization (WHO) recommends the administration of breastfeeding intervention to infants within an hour of their birth (WHO, 2017). The configuration of well-coordinated breastfeeding support groups is necessarily required to facilitate the process of breastfeeding among mothers after their hospital discharge (AHMC, 2009). The systematic implementation of these healthcare policies is highly required in the context of streamlining the breastfeeding practices for the acquisition of health outcomes in lactating mothers and infants.
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