Mental Health Assistance Case Study Analysis – Georgia
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Mental Health Assistance Case Study Analysis – Georgia


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Case study

For this assignment each student will choose one of the three (3) case studies provided in the Assignment Resources folder found on the FLO topic site. Students must reflect on the case study information and identify the knowledge and skills they would need in order to provide health care to that person. Each student will be required to include rationale for choices, connection between mental and physical health and why the chosen interventions are appropriate, considering implications for contemporary practice.

 1    Tom – altered perception
2    Mary – altered mood
3    Georgia – anxiety

Develop an essay focusing on the chosen person in the case study.

Required discussion points for the essay

You are required to explore and critically analyse the information provided in the case study materials and address the following discussion points, linking them specifically to the chosen person:

  1. A sound understanding of mental health and mental illness.
  2. The nexus/relationship between mental health and physical health.
  3. A comprehensive understanding of personal recovery and what this means for the person in the chosen case study.
  4. Recognising and responding to the mental health needs of the identified person – what does the literature tell you about best treatments for someone with these symptoms?
  5. What are the implications for the practice of health professionals (when working with someone with this illness).

Ensure all arguments and opinions are supported by relevant literature (not simply publicly available websites). Referencing and in-text referencing is expected from all students using the Harvard referencing format. 


Mental health wellness is an important part of life for many people on a regular basis. These are the people who are suffering from some sort of mental disorder, which ends up disrupting their flow or life frequently and negatively influences all aspects of life in a significant manner. Unlike physical health, mental health issues are many times ignored by society and their seriousness is neglected largely unless symptoms and impact of the disorder start to become extreme. It is also common for people suffering from mental health disorders to find that others around them do not change their behaviour positively to help them with their condition. Most of the time, our society is not well-aware of educated about impact and characteristics of mental health issues and, therefore, fails to provide a supportive environment to many people who are currently suffering from mental health issues (Goodman 2017). Even relatively small mental health issues can severely impact an individual’s social life, work-life and quality of life in a significant manner with time. The causes that impact such individuals’ mental health also have the capacity to slowly influence physical health in a negative way by developing new unhealthy habits in the individual having such issues.


In the case of Georgia, a 22-year-old university student, the mental health disorder that is troubling her is anxiety. Anxiety issues for Georgia have typical symptoms of an anxiety disorder as Georgia has complained about issues like panic in even slightly tense situations. She is 22, and she has already started to get overly stressed out by even regular tasks that she has handled before, namely exams and driving tests. She feels a certain anxiety problem while communicating with new people going out in public, and the disorder has also started to impact her regular routine. Anxiety is a series of mental illnesses that are all linked to the symptoms deriving from stress in even seemingly normal scenarios. Suffering from anxiety makes it significantly difficult for individuals like Georgia to carry on with life as she normally does (Blaise, et al. 2015). As a typical person who has anxiety, the life of Georgia has become riddled with instances of constant worry, stress and feeling of overwhelming situations. Anxiety-related attacks can reach the point of disabling a person from many normal activities, which is true in the case of Georgia. In the case of Georgia, there seem to be two different mental illnesses at play that are part of her anxiety disorder. These two illnesses include- social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder. Social anxiety is causing Georgia to try and avoid any attempts towards a relationship while also restricting her from going out with her friends many times. It is because of social anxiety disorder that she does not feel comfortable in social environments and worries about how others might be judging her constantly. Generalized anxiety disorder is a sense of constant worry for no major reason and makes her worry even for regular things that she has performed routinely before, such as exams and hanging out in public (Taylor Routledge).

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