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Consider an organisational change that you have recently experienced. Write a reflective report that indicates how you personally transitioned in the change. Your report must include one (1) of the following three that is most relevant to your case:
1. Politics, power and leadership.
2. Communicating change and motivating others.
3. The learning connection.
It must also include an evaluation of the change through an appropriate framework or model.
The report dwells with a detailed understanding of the concept of organizational change. The same has been explained by means of a practical experience witnessed by me. The situation has been chosen from IBM, where I worked. A change management process was initiated to remove the resistance among employees to accept the change. This included a software implementation to manage employee resistance against a set of customer complaints received by the company and manage its competitive position. The role I played in the process was of a change agent.
The change management program has been explained in detail with its background. The model implemented was termed as ADKAR. All details of the change management program conducted have been considered as part of the report along with subsequent reflection to personal behavior displayed and the resistance cycle underwent by self. I was made part of the training that helped me understand the various dimensions of change including personal resistance. The same was explained overtraining by means of various change models including Bridge's Model, BOHICA Syndrome as well as various leadership and motivational theories.
The change in personal attitude via various stages starting from doubt and skepticism to accept the change to a stage of the wholly imbibed condition has also been explained. Learning in areas of leadership, motivating the team as well as accepting change could be considered to be personal positive outcomes as displayed in terms of result in the report.
Towards the conclusion, with a positive note, justifications made over the report have been clubbed to show the benefits of accepting change, barriers to managing change and the crucial role of top-level managers to implement change. Also, a set of recommendations have been laid to manage change with a slightly different perspective, where the platform would be wider at the base and all employees, instead of a handful, should be introduced by a powerpoint presentation to the basics and benefits of the change being implemented in the process. This would help remove bias among employees and promote cooperation and trust.
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