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Marketing Strategies
Facebook Inc is a global online social network that has about one billion member accounts. However,
the organisation is less than 10 years old. Despite intense media excitement when Facebook listed as
a public company in May 2012, the share price has bobbed around quite a bit since. Many business
analysts are beginning to question the company's long-term viability because it is difficult to discern
a coherent business strategy.
Your task in this case analysis is to answer two questions by critically analysing Facebook's history,
resources and market situation. Please do not just describe events, although you should read
Facebook's history to understand the background to your analysis. You should use the principles and
concepts that you have learned throughout the unit to answer the following questions:
1. What marketing strategy or strategies has Facebook adopted since it was created? Answer
this question by applying one or more of the theoretical approaches discussed in the course.
2. What marketing options can you describe for Facebook if it wishes to remain a successful
organisation throughout the next decade? Answer this question based on the circumstances
that exist in 2014 and your best forecasts of relevant future industry factors.These are wide-ranging questions and you should undertake extensive independent research into
Facebook and its industry. You should explore different aspects of these issues and incorporate them
into your report. This is a practical assessment of a real company, but you need to show an
understanding of theory and research in your evaluation and suggestions.
1. Begin to gather information about Facebook and its marketing-related strategies. There are a
range of sources you can make use including the company's own corporate website and
related publications, academic journals, business press and media, blogs and so on. The
quality business press such as Forbes or Business Week or the Economist are in some ways
good places to start.
2. However, you need to begin to study relevant course materials as the task requires you to
analyse and evaluate Facebook's marketing strategy in relation to theory, frameworks and
3. Consider each of the two questions carefully and begin to relate practice to theory in an
attempt to answer each of them. The questions explicitly direct you to specific aspects of the
unit material and to specific types of models, tools and theories.
4. It should be clear that there is no definitive right answer here. This also mirrors reality, in that
companies are not able to find a single solution or pathway; they have to make difficult
choices from alternatives. In the light of that try to explore different aspects of the two
questions – there are no 'correct' answers and lots of valid arguments for and against all kinds
of alternatives. The merits of your argument will depend to a large extent on how much
evidence you can cite to support your point of view; that is why this is called a research
5. Write up your analysis. This should be in a report format. Here is a suggested structure:
a. Executive Summary
b. Introduction
c. Background to the Company
d. Marketing Analysis
i. The Nature of Facebook's Marketing Strategy or Strategies since it began.
ii. Strategic Marketing Options for Facebook moving forward
e. Conclusion
f. References
g. Appendix
Ensure that you have related the real conditions of the company to theory and research and
that you have read, cited and referenced appropriate academic material as well as more
popular sources (which also need to be properly referenced).
During the recent decade, millions of internet users all across the globe have joined social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram etc. Be it male, female, children, elders, well educated, or non-educated everyone is using and talks about social media. With the rising popularity of social media in the past decade, this report analyses the popularity of Facebook Inc. It has emerged as a global social online network that has more than one billion member accounts, although it is just 10 years old. This report critically analyses Facebook's history, the resources as well as the current market situation. Then the theoretical aspects are used for analysing the marketing strategies adopted by Facebook and how the changing media trends will affect the popularity of Facebook in coming years (Sikka, 2014).
In most of the cases, it is seen that the social media sites like YouTube, Facebook, Orkut, LinkedIn, Bebo, Twitter, and MySpace etc. do not charge even a single penny for registration. Currently, these social media platforms are working towards improving their supervise features and their amount of users are also growing very rapidly. Because of most of the services going free, these sites are largely unable to generate satisfying revenues and profits as desired and that is commensurate to the popularity of the sites (Miltiadis, et al., 2009). Thus through this report, we will analysis what all factors and changes in its marketing strategy should Facebook bring about to survive successfully in future.
Background of Facebook
Amongst the categories of social media, Facebook falls into the Social networks category that focuses on content sharing, maintaining relationships and provides a tool for networking. In February 2004, a well-known social networking site called Facebook was created and launched in the US by Mark Zuckerberg. Currently, it is ranked 2nd most popular social media site all across the globe due to its marketing strategies, followed by the search site Google according to Alexa traffic rankings (Miller, 2011). As per the official statistics are given by the company Facebook, it has a huge base of users that is more than 500 million actively using this platform, along with this it provides more than 70 translations on the site itself. More than 70 percent of the users of Facebook are from the outside US. The site boasts of entrepreneurs and developers that come from above 190 countries that grow and build with the effective platform of Facebook. There are more than 2.5 million websites that have integrated with the unique platform like Facebook (Kessler, 2012).
Being a social networking site Facebook is used mainly for social utility that helps in connecting people, maintaining a connection with friends, uploading photos, sharing videos and links and for exchanging messages. The Facebook users can also join common interest user groups that can be organised into workplace, schools, other communities or colleges, etc.
Infrastructure Management with Marketing Strategies
Facebook has designed many marketing strategies that provide varied features and helps in maintaining distinct networks for fulfilling various social needs as suggested in Maslow's needs hierarchy theory (Posters, 2014). The functions designed in Facebook provide capabilities for staying in touch with friends along with meeting new people and telling everyone about what you are doing etc. It has established many partnerships for improving and enhancing the application features as well as functionalities for developing the user experiences. There are many websites that have share functionality of Facebook for sharing photos, videos, Microsoft and Facebook but their advertising strategic alliance. In 2007 users can share information using Facebook Beacon for distributing to friends. It developed a five-year strategic relationship with Zynga for proving unique gaming experience to its users (Goel, 2014).
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