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For assessment task 1 – Candidates will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to allocate work and provide informal feedback to employees in the context of managing people performance.
In response to a simulated workplace scenario, candidates will meet with a peer manager to role-play consultation on acquiring a (human) resource, performance expectations setting and risk management. Candidates will then participate in a second role-play to provide initial, informal feedback to the newly acquired human resource and set performance expectations for ongoing work within their team. Candidates are required to write all role plays as script writing.
For assessment task 2 – Candidates will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to design and train others on performance management systems.
In response to a simulated workplace scenario, candidates design a performance management system and train peer managers. For example, the candidate could demonstrate amendments to a performance management system by amending existing processes in response to the scenario. They should then use these amendments in a training presentation, presenting their amendments on slides and/or creating a revised performance management flow chart.
For assessment Task 3 – Candidates will demonstrate skills and knowledge required to performance manage people through providing formal and informal feedback and coaching in an organizational context.
In response to a simulated workplace scenario, the candidate will plan and role-play the delivery of a feedback and coaching session. The candidate will then complete formal performance development documentation with the employee (which they have prepared when planning for the role-play). Candidates are required to write all role plays as script writing.
Note that the focus of the coaching phase of the role-play will be in the positive development of the employee. The following phase of the role-play, completing performance development documentation, will be more formal in nature and focus on establishing performance targets, timelines for review and monitoring and employee recognition of performance issues.
For assessment Task 4 – Candidates will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage to follow up to performance management in an organizational context. Candidates will answer a series of scenario-based questions on the general topic of following up on performance management, and on discipline and dismissal processes.
Part 1
A consultation with the garden products manager.
Meeting place: Office of the manager Garden Products
Time frame: 1:00 pm-2:00 pm (Lunch hours)
Manager 1: Hi, Thank you for your time today. As discussed, I am here to discuss the filling of the position of the customer service and sales representatives at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. First of all, I cannot thank you enough for the time and consideration that you have shown, and the level of appreciation that you have exhibited for the company, as well as willingness to provide a member of your time, as they seek their own growth is commendable. I have found that a manager who allows an employee to share growth of their employees irrespective of everything as refreshing. However, I am interested in knowing whether the candidate selected as per you is able to provide the details and competencies we require for this job
Garden product manager: Hello, sir, I am very happy to be given this opportunity by you, and I think that Kim is one of our valued employees and will be a good addition to your team. Can you please let me know what the required needs for the job is so that I can help you identify the basic competencies for this position?
Manager 1: Hi, thank you so much for your consideration. I find that the primary responsibility of any consumer representative is the 'Product knowledge' which as you well know is the ability to describe the product and their specific uses to the consumers, and also provide the team with the details of the product problem such that the consumer needs can be met with minimal inconvenience.
Garden product manager: I think that more or less Kim will be able to be a good representative for this consideration, and he has experience in the hardware and mechanical products of our company, and hence shown interest in further diversification in this line.
Manager 1: Good, that is reassuring. I would further like to know how he is with respect to developing rapport in the company, and his qualities as a team member such as confidence, ability to reach out to people and such.
Garden product manager: Kim in my experience is a confident and people' person, he can inspire confidence in his team and in past has been able to very confidently relate to the customers as well as his peers.
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